“Transparent Administration for the Citizen”: a web app at the service of citizens and PA

As part of the Project “Italiae” of the Department of Regional Affairs of the PdCM, within the framework of the PON Governance and institutional capacity, theExperimental workshop “Transparency, anti-corruption and efficiency”, with the aim of offering Unions of Municipalities, Municipalities, Regions and other PAs support aimed at strengthening transparency and prevention of corruption, as well as efficiency.

Fondazione Etica worked closely with the Working Group, established within the Atelier, which focused on how facilitate publication, mandatory for all PAs pursuant to Legislative Decree 33/2013, of data and information in the Transparent Administration section of their respective websites, and at the same time improve their usability for citizens, investors, central and international institutions.

Coordinated by Paola Caporossi, the Working Group, through a comparison of ideas and a sharing of experiences, came to the design of a digital application: "ATC - Transparent Administration for the citizen" which is not intended to represent yet another additional app for PAs, but one that demonstrates, on an experimental basis, how it is possible:

– support PAs in the publication of data and information, transforming it from a mere fulfillment to the creation of public value through a work of rationalization and standardization (in short, making it less burdensome for the PAs themselves);

– allow citizens to effectively use that data and information, through a simplified and graphic representation of the same.

An open source app, hosted by PAs in the respective Transparent Administration sections of their websites, initially made up of four activity areas (budget, personnel, services, real estate), made up of indicators, automatically fed by data extracted from the BDAP and other public databases.

Last June 24th the web app was presented at an event with the participation of representatives of ANCI, Conference of the Regions, UPI, UNCEM, Department of Public Function, Regions and Local Authorities, which they welcomed with unanimous applause an initiative considered innovative and necessary and which, according to shared opinion, presents itself as a tool for creating "public value".

A web app necessary to give a new face to transparency in and for the PA. Transparency that is truly capable of building a new social and democratic pact between elected and voter”, these are the words of President of UNCEM, Marco Bussone.

Of particular satisfaction are the words of President of ANAC, Giuseppe Busia, who expressed a convinced appreciation of the digital tool created, but above all his desire to be able to use the web app as a substantial piece of the future Transparency Platform.

To access the web app, click here.