On Wednesday 8 January 2025, the presentation event of the First Monitoring Report of PNRR projects, made by LIB enter.
The debate saw the participation of the Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR, Tommaso Foti, who thanked the LIbenter staff for the valuable analysis work carried out, underlining the importance of monitoring not only the progress of the projects (and therefore the spending capacity) but also and above all the quality of this spending: “Only from a good quality of spending something more lasting is born“.
Another important element was introduced by the President of ANAC, Giuseppe Busia, who underlined the three essential steps of the “PNRR method” which should become fundamental elements in the use of public funds “Plan, implement, report“. In particular, Attorney Busia focused on the importance of transparency that Public Administrations need, underlining that “who works for transparency, works for the Administration“.
Another issue addressed in the debate is that relating to administrative capacity and its improvement, as a milestone of the Plan, touched upon by Ginevra Bruzzone of the PNRR Mission Structure of the Presidency of the Council, and from Paola Caporossi which highlighted how a mapping of the same was necessary in order to appreciate its evolution and strengthening.

To follow the whole event and appreciate the moderation of Glory Shore of The Espresso, the interventions of Benedict of the Widow, Member of Parliament +Europe, Aline Pennisthe of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Sabina DeLuca of Forum Inequalities Diversity, as well as the opening and closing entrusted respectively to Prof. Dino G. Rinoldi and to the Professor Nicoletta Parisi, the recording is available at the following link: https://webtv.camera.it/evento/27011.