“With the signature of the memorandum of understanding with Fondazione Etica the main objective – declared Minister Dadone – is to promote good practices of transparency on PA data, so that they are easily accessible and usable by citizens”.
These are the words with which the Ministry of Public Administration published the news of its adhesion to collaborate with the Foundation to map the PAs, support them and increase their efficiency. It is not a question of inventing anything, but of fully implementing Legislative Decree no. 33 of 2013 (so-called transparency decree), which created the Transparent Administration section on the websites of all the PAs, requiring them to publish the same data, in the same format, with the same timeliness and in the same section of their respective websites. A gigantic database with enormous potential, but to date little used in terms of knowledge by users and stakeholders of the PA.
The common intention is to promote transparency not as an objective in itself, but as an efficiency tool: better services, better public spending. In detail, these are the purposes subscribed to:
- This Protocol is aimed at establishing a collaborative relationship between the Parties for:
- evaluate the transparency, integrity and efficiency of the Public Administrations in a comparative key, mainly on the basis of the data that the Administrations themselves are obliged to publish upon prescription of the regulations referred to in the introduction;
- compare the administrative capacity of Public Administrations and identify replicable good practices;
- support Public Administrations in meeting the numerous regulatory obligations in terms of transparency, integrity and efficiency, in particular by promoting the automatic feeding of information flows in the Transparent Administration section of institutional websites;
- promote an incentive system for virtuous Public Administrations, which also allows for a better allocation of financial resources and a better quality of public spending;
- promote the social accountability also as a tool for constructive dialogue between public administrations and citizens;
- promote the active participation of citizens and other stakeholders in the assessment and monitoring of the institutional capacity of Public Administrations.
Here the press release institutional site of the Ministry of Public Administration and here the facebook post.
The meeting took place via video conference and with a digital signature.