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Fondazione Etica has just published the results of its research work in the book:
“THE FEDERALISM THAT ALREADY IS THERE. How citizens' money is spent in Italian Municipalities”
published by Il Mulino, Bologna 2011
authors: Paola Caporossi and Gregorio Gitti
Italian Municipalities have been experiencing a paradox for some time: they have been recognized for a large decentralization of functions, but not sufficient fiscal and financial autonomy. The continuous cuts in resources from the centre, the constraints deriving from the Stability Pact and a constantly evolving regulatory framework, have ended up influencing local political choices to an ever greater extent with inevitable repercussions on citizens. The volume addresses the issue with an interdisciplinary approach, starting from the analysis of the budget data of a sample of provincial capitals, some of which are administered by the centre-right (such as Milan and Varese) and others by the centre-left (such as Turin and Salerno).
The reading of the budget numbers aims to verify if and how the political decisions of the mayors differ on the basis of the party coalition to which they belong. Also resorting to interviews with mayors and councilors, the survey correlates the contraction of revenue and the implementation of electoral programmes, to understand whether the administration in office has kept its promises to voters. The opinion of the latter on the work of their directors was investigated with a survey with interesting results.
From this articulated research path, the picture of a federalism that already exists, at least in the majority of Municipalities, emerged, in the conviction of many administrators and citizens.
The research aims to be an informative tool particularly aimed at citizens called to vote for the renewal of their municipal administration: they are provided with useful data and information to exercise their right as voters in a more conscious way.