“Sustainable Sounds & Flavors in Lights” crosses regional borders: starting on May 25th

The now traditional summer festival of Luci nel Parco has crossed regional borders and has become part of the circuit of the Entroterre Festival organized by Hinterterre Foundation, Third Sector Institution, with which the spark was struck when we discussed the meaning of territorial development and social innovation.

The project of Luci nel Parco, the result of an innovative social impact investment conceived, promoted and implemented by Fondazione Etica, is its forte circular spirit, which has promoted a virtuous circle of urban regeneration, economic and social development and training, meant that the application presented in response to the call launched by the Entroterre Foundation was rewarded.

Hinterterre and LUCI also share the vision of music, and art more generally, as tool for dialogue, inclusion and diffusion of culture.

Entroterre's consolidated experience in the creation of artistic productions and innovative shows, which aim to development of the local social fabric, with particular attention to the cultural heritage - material and immaterial - of the community, will therefore represent an added value not only for LUCI, but for the entire surrounding area and the actors involved, who will be put into dialogue with other artistic exhibitions, within the of a "widespread festival” in the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Lazio and Tuscany.

The Entroterre Festival will be inaugurated on Thursday 4 July with the inauguration show in Bertinoro (FC); and the next day, Friday 5 July, the local event will officially begin "Sustainable Sounds & Flavors with Lights”, which includes four live shows that will take place in the evocative naturalistic scenery of the Maremma Park, at the Ristosteria Luci nel Parco.

But in Grosseto, while waiting for the Festival, the “lights” will come on first with two other events.

Saturday 25 May, the boys and girls of Chrysalis Therapeutic Community, already protagonists last year of an evening particularly appreciated by the public, will give us a gift a new show entitled “Effe come…”, prepared over the last five months with the support of two music masters, Davide Braglia and Massimiliano Zerbonia, and the artists who performed at Luci nel Parco in summer 2023.

In fact, we remind you that every performance on the Luci stage requires that the musicians are naturally rewarded for their performance but that they undertake, at the same time, to donate lesson hours for the organization of musical courses for people who cannot afford, for various reasons, private lessons.

Specifically, the project with Crisalide intends to involve the teenagers in a project designed for them, defining together the steps to be taken, so that are themselves the creative actors of the journey, respecting their emotions and interests. A artistic laboratory, like the one that has been active for two years, allows them to break away from pre-set patterns by relating them to a wider community.

The June 13thThen, Max Zerbonia, a loyal supporter of Luci and a guitarist of the highest level, will make the sound of the greatest classics in pop, funky and soul history resonate, together with the English singer Andy Jones, in a lively and, at the same time, refined evening .

TheEntroterre Festival – Sustainable Sounds & Flavors in Lights, supported by all the promoters of Lights Aps, takes place under the patronage of the Tuscany Region, the Municipality of Grosseto and the City of Follonica; it also received the contribution of Fondazione CR Firenze, Nuova Solmine SpA, FAM Group Snc, as well as the aforementioned and precious economic and organizational support of Fondazione Entroterre.