Press review – 2023

European funds and spending capacity (Italia Oggi – November 2023)

The paradox of the Municipalities (Corriere della Sera – October 2023)

Grosseto, how much and how it spends on services (The Maremma of Ideas – 20 June 2023)

The experimental show Superheroes presented in the Tuscany Region (The Tyrrhenian Sea – 17 May 2023)

Preview of the 2022 Regions Report: Emilia-Romagna in first place in budget management (Corriere della Sera – 25 March 2023)

"Casa Comune" is born for autistic children in a confiscated lodging
(Corriere della Sera, Corriere del Mezzogiorno - 1 February 2023) 

From property confiscated from the clans to Casa Comune for young autistics
(La Repubblica – 1 February 2023)