Founder of Fondazione Etica
Notary in Milan, he is currently professor of commercial law at the Bocconi University of Milan, pro-rector for Academic Governance and relations with institutions and President of the CREDI center (Centre for European Research on Business Law and History "Ariberto Mignoli ").
Author of numerous publications on privatisation, competition law, corporate law, securities markets, industrial law. He has also edited numerous volumes, including, for example, the commentary on TU 58/1998 (Draghi Law), an extensive commentary on law 416/1981 on publishing.
In addition to his academic career, he has held institutional roles, being part of the Commission that drafted the new Consolidated Law on the regulation of publicly traded companies and financial markets promulgated at the beginning of 1998, of the Mirone Commission for the general reform of the law company, as well as the Consultancy and Guarantee Committee for privatizations, set up by the Ciampi Government in 1993.
Furthermore, he is in the direction of the Company and Competition and Market Review. From 2004-2005, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of RCS Quotidiani, of RCS MediaGroup, and of the Corriere della Sera Foundation.
Finally, he is a member of the Istituto Lombardo Academy of Sciences and Letters.
He was awarded the honor "Gran Croce al Merito delle Repubblica".