The Corriere della Sera published our indicators on the economic-financial management of the Regions which highlight an increasingly less polarized situation regarding the management of resources. Even if the division between the Northern Regions, which perform better, as opposed to those of the South, which experience more critical issues, is always confirmed, we can affirm that the North is not always better than the South and the South is not always worse than the North.

As demonstrated by the economic-financial burden of the Liguria Region or, on the contrary, the good performance of the Puglia Region.
Considering the functioning capacity of the administrative machine to understand how and what to spend it is also essential to make the best use of European resources which, at present, represent an unmissable opportunity to modernize Italy.
The analysis ofuse of community funds for investments in relation to European programming 2014-20, for example, it highlights an extremely differentiated picture between the Regions: we go from percentages higher than 100% for Valle d'Aosta, Emilia-Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giulia (all Northern Regions), down to significantly lower commitment coverage levels: around 50-60% for Abruzzo, Marche, Calabria, Sicily and Lombardy (still North, Center and South at the same level).

More information and details are available at this links.
The results were processed by the research team of REP. Center and Ethics Foundation.