Fondazione Etica and Centro REP participate in the drafting of Regional Action Plans related to Cohesion Policies 21-27, which involve the 7 regions of the South with the Management Authority of the National Capacity Cohesion Plan, at the Department for Territorial Cohesion of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
The commitment of our teams is mainly focused on three aspects: the estimate of the hiring capacity of the Municipalities of the South, aimed at hiring in Local Authorities; the mapping to date of public employees; the processing of expenditure and performance indicators of the ERDF 2014-20 (how many projects, how long and with what spending capacity) as a starting point for measuring the performance of the ERDF 21-27.
FE and REP therefore participated, in May, in Rome, in the Supervisory Committeeof the new National Cohesion Capacity Programme: it is the main tool envisaged by the national strategy for strengthening administrative capacity, in the presence of the top management of the members of the Partnership 21-27 (central administrations, regional management authorities, trade unions, etc.), which has the objective of improving the spending of EU funds on the territory.
Then, in June, we were part of the technical delegation of the aforementioned Department of Cohesion for the meeting with the European Commission held in Brussels.