At the end of the month, the new Report on the transparency, integrity and efficiency of the Regions entitled "Regions, what we don't know", drafted by Fondazione Etica and Centro REP, will be published.
The comparative analysis uses the Administrative Capacity Index, which premits to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each Region, and to follow their trend over time.
We will publish periodically some abstracts from the Report, focused on single indicators. The first one concerns a highly topical issue, on which many of the funds of the PNRR (Italian Recovery Plan) converge.
Digitization: what stage have reached the Regions?
The indicator measures the Authority's commitment to the digitization process, according to the provisions of the national Digital Agenda. In particular, it checks the level of spending carried out for digitization, as well as the establishment of a dedicated office, who can support the Digital Transition Manager, whose appointment has been mandatory in the PAs since a long time.
Calabria is the only Region that does not publish the data necessary for such evaluation, with the consequent assignment of a zero score.
Valle d'Aosta is the Region that, in the sample, spent the most on digitization, against a modest result obtained in the E-government indicator. Similarly, Lombardy, with a high level of E-government, appears to have invested less in digitization in 2021, having presumably done so in the past.
At the top of the ranking, together with Valle d'Aosta we find the two Autonomous Provinces and the other special statute Region of the North (Friuli Venezia Giulia), while the two special statute regions of the South (Sicily and Sardinia) do not even reach the average value.
At the bottom of the ranking, with expenditure close to zero, Puglia, Campania, Basilicata and Lazio stand out negatively.