ethical foundation

ethical foundation

From the Corriere della Sera

All three to the renewal of city councils and mayors, all three with outgoing first citizens who are running for re-election. Federico Pizzarotti (ex M5S) for Parma, Federico Borgna (centre-left) for Cuneo, Nicola Ottaviani (centre-right) for Frosinone. But the voters are…

Press review – 2016

Transparency, a report card to be improved (Il Tirreno – 2 December 2016) Public money: the institution spends well, but could do better (La Nazione – 2 December 2016) Rating for municipalities, the proposal: more money for the virtuous (Corriere della evening Brescia – 25 November…

French social impact contracts

On 15 March 2016 Martine Pinville, Undersecretary of State for the Social and Solidarity Economy of the French Government, officially launched the "Social Impact Contract", a call for tenders, open until 30 January 2017, with the aim of selecting projects that include…