ethical foundation

ethical foundation

The G8 Task Force

The English Government believes in the validity of SIIs to the point that, in 2013, it promoted the establishment of the Social Impact Investment Task Force established by the G8 with the aim of promoting the development of social impact investments and…

Motion on Social Impact Bonds

The continuation of the global economic and financial crisis has imposed a new awareness: the development models that have prevailed to date have demonstrated their limits. This is demonstrated by the general impoverishment, the social inequalities, the resulting tensions in public order, the inability of states to cope with new needs, the high level of inefficiency and public corruption

Motion on the Save Home Fund

The idea of the “Save Home Fund” was born in Fondazione Etica thanks to one of its founders, Francesco Guarneri. It represents a tool that allows economic intervention to coexist with social intervention. The decision to sell residential mortgage portfolios by…

Press review – 2014

Healthcare report cards (Milano Finanza – 17 May 2014) The President of Abruzzo: healthcare objectives achieved (ASCA – 19 May 2014) Tuscany healthcare first for efficiency ( – 18 May 2014) Public Accounts : citizens must know real conditions (RadioCor – 8 May 2014)…

Here's how to change the PA (Italian Business)

It's not true that everything is bad in the South. It is not true that the Northern Regions are automatically the best. The Regions with Special Statute are often at the bottom of the rankings. The best rating is from the Tuscany Region, but considering the…

PA: Tuscany (Ansa)

PA: Fondazione Etica, better rating goes to Tuscany It's not true that everything is bad in the South, Lombardy is more 'performing' (ANSA) – ROME, 8 MAY – It's not true that everything is bad in the South. It's not true that…