Milan, which model of city?

Milan, as a model city Building the future with a gender perspective 20 October 2016 Palazzo Marino, Milan Speech by Paola Caporossi Speech by Gregorio Gitti
Milan, as a model city Building the future with a gender perspective 20 October 2016 Palazzo Marino, Milan Speech by Paola Caporossi Speech by Gregorio Gitti
The administration under the ethics exam (Il Tirreno – 29 November 2015) Quality and transparency the municipality sets the example (La Nazione – 29 November 2015) Milan, which model of city? (Quotidianonline mi-lorenteggio) To spend less and better the Municipality goes to take the exam (Il Tirreno –…
To implement article 49 of the Constitution on the democracy of parties something has been done in recent years, with law decree no. 149 of 28 December 2013, converted into law no. 13 of 21 February 2014, containing the "Abolition of direct public, provisions for transparency...
Quality, transparency, sustainability: the Municipality of Grosseto is the first in Italy to submit to the GROSSETO public rating. Quality, sustainability, transparency: in a word, ethics. The ethics of the administrative action of the Municipality of Grosseto will be verified through the rating tool…