Emilia and Calabria: our analysis on Corsera in view of the vote
However the challenge between Stefano Bonaccini and Lucia Borgonzoni to become governor goes, Emilia-Romagna will probably continue to function well and be one of the benchmark regions for the management of accounts and the services provided. But also in Calabria, at the last…
International day against corruption
International day against corruption - Monday 9 December conference on corporate, legality and sustainability ratings as prevention tools and opportunities for SMEs
Press review – 2019
Public Rating Ranking: Foggia in seventh place, first city in the South in the 'Fondazione Etica' ranking" (Foggiatoday - 25 May 2019) Fondazione Etica Rating, Vazio (Pd): "Liguria has never been so bad" (IVG.it - 23 November 2019) Report on the rating of the Regions: comparing efficiency and…
Our Luci project at the Social Impact Investment International Conference
Rating Fondazione Etica, Vazio (Pd): "Liguria never so bad"
Liguria is very bad: this is revealed by the Public Ratings ranking of the Ethics Foundation on the qualitative evaluation of Italian regional administrations with ordinary statute. “It's a real joke! – attacks the Albenganese MP Franco Vazio, vice-president of the Justice Commission of the Chamber of…
Grosseto, 'Lights in the Park' initiative presented
Rispescia, the former colony is reborn in the name of collaboration and innovation Collaboration and social innovation are the two key words of the new experimental project being carried out in Rispescia, Grosseto, in the park of the Grosseto Maremma. The Councilor for…
Luci nel Parco, the former colony of Rispescia is reborn under the sign of collaboration and innovation
First "social impact" pilot project in the province of Grosseto Speaking today in Grosseto at the presentation of the Luci nel Parco initiative, the councilor for the presidency of Tuscany, Vittorio Bugli, repeated several times that «Collaboration and social innovation are the two words …
Lights in the park: a refreshment and music rooms in the abandoned building.
GROSSETO – It is called "Luci nel Parco" and it is the innovative project launched by Caritas, the Ethics Foundation and the Tuscany Region which sees Grosseto among the first territories in Italy to experiment with a new social initiative. “Responding with innovative tools to…
Autonomy, the ACLI: «Regionalism yes, but no tears»
The national president Roberto Rossini intervenes in the debate: «Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna ask for more skills than the other regions with ordinary statute. Similar requests are coming from Piedmont, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, Umbria and Campania. There are two questions that must guide…