Inauguration of "Lights in the Park"

In November 2019, Paola Caporossi met the Executive Director of the World Bank, Patrizio Pagano, on behalf of the Etica Foundation, in his offices in Washington DC. The meeting concerned the topic of corruption prevention and, consequently, transparency and…
Fondazione Etica was called by the World Bank to Washington DC to present the Public Rating of Public Administrations. Paola Caporossi held a seminar as part of the Anti Corruption Community of Practice on 26 June.
The 2019 World Bank annual Forum on Social Accountability is about to open: over 300 representatives from institutions and bodies from all over the world have met to compare experiences and models. Here is vice president Paola…
Thirteen out of 21 regions pay their invoices before the due date. Lazio, Liguria and Tuscany pay suppliers in less time and only Campania pays just over 30 days. This is the map of the timeliness of payments of…
In December 2019, Paola Caporossi met the Regional Director for Europe of the World Bank, Arup Banerji, on behalf of Fondazione Etica, at the World Bank headquarters in Brussels. The meeting covered the topic of public governance and social…
Pilot project to examine the availability of quantitative and qualitative indicators on the administrative capacity of the Member States of the European Union Fondazione Etica was appointed by the European Commission - DG Regio, through a call for tender, to conduct a pilot project to verify…
ANCI Lombardia, with the co-financing of the CARIPLO Foundation, has launched the Confiscati Assets Project - from the Municipality to the Local Community, a support project for the Lombardy territories, for the valorisation of assets stolen from organized crime and entrusted to the Municipalities.…