Presentation of the project "Casa Comune"

European funds and spending capacity (Italia Oggi – November 2023) The paradox of the Municipalities (Corriere della Sera – October 2023) Grosseto, how much and how it spends on services (La Maremma delle Idee – 20 June 2023) Presented in the Region…
In Naples the first co-housing project for autistic children in a house in the Quartieri Spagnoli confiscated from the Camorra. The presentation will take place in the Council Room of the Municipality of Naples in the presence of the Foqus Foundation, the Core Consortium, the Quartieri Spagnoli Association, the Administration…
FE in the working groups dealing with the 5th National Action Plan of Open Government Italy. In particular it contributes to actions on anti-corruption and open data. To know more:
Fondazione Etica took part in the first meeting of the Group of Experts on Public Administration and Governance convened by the Directorate General for Structural Reforms of the European Commission. At the inaugural session, presided over by the Director General of DG Reform, Mario…
Fondazione Etica will participate in the ANAC event on Pnrr and the Anti-Corruption Plan for the next three years at the center of the Rpct Day on 14 December 2022. The day will open with a first part of reflection entrusted to the intervention of the Anac president, Giuseppe Busia,…
On 14 December 2022 Fondazione Etica participates in the event promoted by ANAC for Transparency Day. Paola Caporossi, President of FE, will speak.