Camilla Turelli

Camilla Turelli

Presentation of the 9th FPA Annual Report

On Thursday 18 January, in Rome, the 9th FPA Annual Report will be presented, which is the most important publication of the PA Forum which, starting from the data and events of the year 2023, offers a "reading guide" of the main phenomena that are affecting...

Liguria Region Transparency Day

Next December 20th we will participate in the Liguria Region Transparency Day, a very significant moment organized by the Region, to share experiences, knowledge and good practices that have developed in recent years, in the context of the prevention of…

Our data supporting CapCoe

Last Wednesday 22 November, we took part in the second Monitoring Committee of the National Capacity for Cohesion Program 2021-2027, held in Rome. This is the main institutional table for negotiations on European structural funds. The works are open…

At Common School with LIBenter

On Saturday 28 October 2023, we participated in the Common School 2023, organized by Libera against the Mafie in Polistena (RC) at the Don Pino Puglisi Multipurpose Centre. It was an important opportunity to present the digital platform developed by LIBenter, the temporary association of the Foundation…

In Brussels with the ITALIAE Project

On Thursday 12 October, we will participate with interest and enthusiasm in the workshop “Tackling fragmentation of local government towards shared sustainable community solutions”, which will take place in Brussels as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities and will be dedicated to…