Camilla Turelli

Camilla Turelli

Press review – 2024

Bilanci e conti pubblici, la rivincita dei piccoli Comuni (Corriere della Sera – 20 agosto 2024) Gli Enti, i nodi (Il Mattino – 8 agosto 2024) Comuni, digitalizzazione al buio (Italia Oggi – 19 luglio 2024) Dibattito pubblico sull’Europa (Il…

Our indicators on Corriere della Sera

Corriere della Sera has published our indicators on the economic-financial management of the Regions which highlight an increasingly less polarized situation regarding the management of resources. Even if the division between the Regions of the…

2nd ESG Forum 2030

On Thursday 18th Paola Caporossi will speak in Rome at the 2nd ESG 2030 Forum, promoted by Diligentia ETS, as the final moment of the ESG 2030 project, i.e. a program of initiatives for the period 2023-2024 created with the aim of promoting and disseminating best practices …

2nd ESG Forum 2030

On Thursday 18th Paola Caporossi will speak in Rome at the 2nd ESG 2030 Forum, promoted by Diligentia ETS, as the final moment of the ESG 2030 project, i.e. a program of initiatives for the period 2023-2024 created with the aim of promoting and disseminating…

Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ INTO-BE project

On 20 and 21 March, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ project for the world of Vocational Education and Training (VET – Vocational Education and Training) was held in Bucharest, financed by the European Union, which Fondazione Etica supported awarded together…

OpenGov Week 2024

Open Government Week will be held at the end of May, the initiative promoted globally by the Partnership for Open Government (OGP) which aims to spread its principles and practices, with the aim of creating a culture shared by staff…