Camilla Turelli

Camilla Turelli

BtoB Awards Brescia 2024

The teaser of the BtoB Awards Brescia 2024 was held on Tuesday 9 July, in the splendid setting of the Vittoriale, with the presentation of the companies competing in the different categories: historic company, ESG, start-ups, SMEs, wordlwide... An interesting opportunity to create a network with…

“Transparent Administration for the Citizen”: a web app at the service of citizens and PA

As part of the “Italiae” Project of the Department of Regional Affairs of the PdCM, within the framework of the PON Governance and institutional capacity, the “Transparency, anti-corruption and efficiency” experimentation workshop was established, with the aim of offering the Unions of the Municipalities, the Municipalities, the Regions,…

Public meeting – TAPPA project

How social impact investments transform society into an engine of development, through the integrated regeneration of territories. On Saturday 22 June at 11.30 am, in the Council Room of Palazzo San Francesco in Agnone (IS), the public meeting will be held…