As part of the Giffoni Film Festival, the AI CHANGEMAKERS project was presented on Saturday 27 July 2024, promoted by Right Side […]

As part of the “Italiae” Project of the Department of Regional Affairs of the PdCM, within the framework of the PON Governance and institutional capacity, it was […]

How social impact investments transform society into a driver of development, through the integrated regeneration of territories Saturday […]

The first workshop foreseen in the implementation plan of the Erasmus+ project that we are developing took place from 11 to 14 June, […]

On June 5th we will participate in the first study seminar on administrative transparency, organized by IFEL – ANCI Foundation, entitled […]

On Wednesday 22 May, we will have the honor of participating and contributing to the PA forum, within the “OPEN PA. For a relaunch […]

Corriere della Sera has published our indicators on the economic-financial management of the Regions which highlight an increasingly [...]

The digital monitoring platform of PNRR projects, developed by LIBenter, fully operational since October, is being populated […]


Public administrations

Portal dedicated to the Administrative Capacity Index – REP

REP database - Research Center on Public Bodies

Our contribution
for Open Government

Fondazione Etica designs and implements innovative activities with a social impact. The idea may seem abstract or even vague, but in countries like Great Britain and the USA it is a long lasting cultural model, before being a political and economic one.

It was born from the wish not to remain indifferent to the growing needs of local communities, from poverty to unemployment. It was also born out of the courage to test in our country projects already carried out with success in other parts of the world.