Fondazione Etica will intervene at the ANAC event on Pnrr and the Anti-Corruption Plan for the next three years at the center of the PRCT Day on 14 December 2022
The day will open with a first part of reflection entrusted to the intervention of president of Anac, Giuseppe Busia, followed by that of the Minister of Public Administration, Paolo Zangrillo, and subsequently that of the president of the National School of Administration, Paola Severino.
The second part will be entrusted to two round tables: the initial one entitled “Public value, tools and actors. The importance of networking which will see the participation of the Anac Directors Consuelo del Balzo and Laura Valli and the interventions of Italo Borrello, manager of the Financial Intelligence Unit for Italy; Ugo Liberatore, manager of the central service for the Pnrr of the MEF; Roberto Gerardi, Repct of the Province of Lucca; Marco Iaconello, Rup Invitalia. At the second round table "Conflicts of interest in the field of public contracts and transparency" on the other hand, the Anac Councilors Luca Forteleoni and Paolo Giacomazzo will participate and Paola Caporossi, President of the Ethical Foundation will intervene; Daniela Rodorigo, RPCT Ministry of Health; Luca Nervi, RPCT, Liguria Region; Ilaria Verdoliva, Rup Invitalia.
The invitation of President Busia
"The prevention of corruption, declined in its transversal dimension, the importance of building a network that moves from the strategic functions of the RPCT, the conflict of interest in the field of public contracts and transparency also in the light of the guidelines inferable from the first draft of the new code of public contracts, will allow us to highlight your role and your experiences of collaboration with other key administrative subjects in the challenge for the implementation of the Pnrr”, writes the president of Anac, Giuseppe Busia, in the letter of invitation to the Managers.