Capital expenditure indicates the level of investment made by a municipality, representing a central factor for the development of the territory. The indicator[1] it is even more important for the coming months, when the Municipalities will be called upon to spend the huge European resources of the PNRR.
The Municipality with the highest investment expenditure comes close to 40%, and belongs to a Region with a Special Statute: Udine.
It should not be considered in the evaluation The Eagle, which, due to the aforementioned issues relating to the seismic event of 2009, has extremely high levels of capital expenditure (70% of the total expense).
They outperform the 25% Matera (26%) and Treviso (29%). Matera's result is presumably attributable to the investments made to obtain the title of “European Capital of Culture 2019”.
The lower capital expenditure, on the other hand, below 2%, is registered by 2 Municipalities of the South, which Lecce and Vibo Valentia, both in financial rebalancing procedure, and from one Central municipality, such as Terni, in a state of collapse.
[1] The indicator is calculated as the ratio of capital expenditure to total expenditure.
From the Corriere delle Sera of 11/24/2021 - Economic Pages