ANCI Lombardia, with the co-financing of the CARIPLO Foundation, has launched the Confiscated Assets Project - from the Municipality to the Local Community, a project to support the Lombard territories, for the valorisation of assets stolen from organized crime and entrusted to the Municipalities.
The project intends to promote actions related to the full valorisation of confiscated assets, shifting the focus from the functioning of the Local Authority to the dialogue with citizens and businesses.
It includes three interrelated lines of activity:
- Stolen assets (census, pilot runs, guidelines)
- Policies and Resources (participatory budgets, technological tools, guidelines)
- Data and information (privacy, transparency)
The three lines of activity of the project are closely connected to each other: transparency in the definition of policies and in the allocation of resources and the widespread control by the local community are factors which (together with the internal control on the legality of the processes) enable the Municipalities to an effective valorisation of assets stolen from organized crime.
The control room is made up of representatives of the institutions and associations involved, in various capacities, on the issues of enhancing the confiscated assets and has the task of directing the progress of the project activities.