PierPaolo Carini

Member of Fondazione Etica

Graduated with honors in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pavia, a student of the historic Collegio Ghislieri, he completed his training at the Université de Montréal (Canada), specializing in Automatics.
He then embarked on an entrepreneurial career, first becoming a Manager and then, in 1994, Chief Executive Officer of the EGEA Group, of which he is now Chairman of the Management Board.

In recent years, EGEA has grown exponentially in terms of managed services in the Energy and Environment sectors: today the turnover is around one billion euros and it can count on around 1800 collaborators, implementing a virtuous model of sustainability achieved also thanks to the direct relationship with hundreds of Municipalities, which are part of the shareholding structure together with numerous entrepreneurial and financial realities, with Institutions, stakeholders and Universities, including the "Bocconi" of Milan and the Polytechnic of Turin.

He is National Vice President of Assogas (National Association of Private Gas and Energy Services Industries).