Thursday 18th Paola Caporossi will speak in Rome at 2nd ESG Forum 2030, promoted by Diligence ETS, as the final moment of the ESG 2030 project, i.e. a program of initiatives for the period 2023-2024 created with the aim of promoting and disseminating best practices for the preparation and dissemination of corporate information on all aspects of sustainability and their use in relationships with key stakeholders.
The objective of the event is to identify paths to accelerate the process of awareness and interaction between the different categories of actors responsible and engaged in the process of changing the economic paradigm towards a sustainable economy model.
Our President will share the vocation for ESG sustainability inherent to our Foundation since its birth, when this acronym was still unknown to most people, especially in Italy, representing how this permeates our activities every day both in the evaluation of Public Administrations and in investments with social impact. Because sustainability does not respond to great proclamations but is inherent in the daily life of citizens, bodies, institutions and private companies.
More information on the Forum is available here.